Donna Tinsley, President
Miriam Clark, Treasurer
Audrey Shenk, Secretary/Librarian
Clay Cordell, At-Large
Tom DeVore, At-Large
Marta McGuire, Production
Nancy Metcalfe, Development
Katherine Phillips, Hospitality
Jayne Wagner, Promotion
The Shenandoah Valley Choral Society is celebrating their 54th season (2024-2025). On behalf of the SVCS, we want to express sincere gratitude to you, our audiences, advertisers, personal contributors and organizations for your continued support. Thanks to you, we are able to continue the tradition of bringing beautiful choral performances to the central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The SVCS gratefully acknowledges the wonderful, cooperative spirit of Park View Mennonite Church and Bridgewater Church of the Brethren for making their facilities available for rehearsals, board meetings, and concerts. The Shenandoah Valley Choral Society is a non-profit organization governed by a member-elected Board of Directors and operates under a strict set of by-laws and Articles of Incorporation. All Board members are active SVCS singers and play major roles in administrative activities including fundraising, secretarial and accounting services, grant writing, hospitality, maintenance of the SVCS website, concert production, publicity, and distribution of music.